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Sorry, John Kasich; These Millennials have no idea who you are

When it comes to the GOP presidential race, pretty much everything — the debates, primaries, publicity and delegate count — has favored the top two candidates: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
Both have framed themselves, to much success, as outsiders and anti-establishment Republicans, leaving some pro-establishment Republicans with just one hope: John Kasich. But since the Ohio governor is severely lacking in delegates relative to Trump and Cruz, a brokered convention (more on that here) is really his only shot at snagging the nomination.
But Kasich faces another huge challenge: Some people don’t still know who he is, let alone that he’s still in the presidential race.
On the campus of Christopher Newport University, we asked students if they could identify Kasich and tell us a little bit about him. Unfortunately, most questions proved quite daunting. For Kasich fans (and establishment Republicans), this video might be tough to watch.
Collin Brennan is a Christopher Newport University student and a USA TODAY College correspondent.

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